Saturday, 22 June 2013


DREss and Speak for Success Program ( DRESS Program) for students, undergraduates and young executives.

It is interactive and practical coaching program for early career planning at school levels and for beginners to enter the job market from colleges and universities.

Beyond that, this program would suit some needs of unsure young graduates who just employed but still thinking on how is the way forward for them to further increase their value.

Delivered by a group of locally educated professionals and various industry practitioners from the existing market who are business owners and operators as coaches and assisted by selected facilitators.

The program is designed and developed as intervention measures to TRIGGER the confidence of local students and graduates to be convincing enough for them to impress potential employers or clients when they enter the real career world.

A marching to the "new world"
We help you to be better prepared to kick-start your new world with the sharing of tips from real life and hands- on experiences and current market demands and key requirements as employers who hire people to run our businesses.

What are the key activities in DRESS Program?
Each activity is customized for each targeted participants from different levels of age groups and educational levels.

Among the key activities in the kick-start of the program are:

  • Seducing the potentials the recruiters 
    • step by step guide and practical exercise to prepare a professional-look job application letters and resume
  •  How to entertain the  panelists 
    • effective conversations and spot-on answers in the interview room and leave them with no options other than pick you above the rest
  • Convincing the interviewers
    • wow them through your professional appearance and body language
  • Quick fire challenges and tips to be an effective presenter  and communicator
    • for students and career exploration purposes
  • Explore your future now
    • An early career planning strategies and simple steps for school students
  •  Climb the ladder
    • Career planning for young graduates to reach greater heights in their career
Tips to undergraduates: Step out from the campus with confidence and clear vision!

A friendly interaction with the younger generation: They are our future!

The number of participants for each session is limited to maintain the effectiveness of each session.

Personalized advisory
  • Preparation or checking  of job application letters and resume via online communications

The coach
·     Each activity will be led by an experienced coach. The coach is carefully selected from the real job market from different field of career either currently working  as  professionals and employers or running their own businesses. They are very passionate people in their field of works and keen to help to create more competitive people to enter the job market especially our young generations. Each coach will be assisted by selected facilitators from young graduates or undergraduates  depending on the type of session.

Feel free to drop enquiries at for us to customize a program for you and your friends or for specific target group(s) at schools and higher learning institutions

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